How to Get Hexadecimal Codes in Google Sheets (with Google Color Picker)

Discover how to unleash the power of colors in Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drawings with the new eyedropper tool and custom color picker! Click now to learn tips and tricks for selecting and customizing colors like a pro.

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How to Get Hexadecimal Codes in Google Sheets (with Google Color Picker)

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Google Sheets is a powerful spreadsheet tool that offers a wide range of features to help you organize, analyze, and present your data effectively. One of the often-overlooked aspects of Google Sheets is its ability to work with colors. Whether you're creating a visually appealing chart, highlighting important data, or simply adding a splash of color to your spreadsheet, understanding how to use colors in Google Sheets is essential. In this article, we'll dive into the world of colors and explore how to get the hexadecimal codes of colors using the Google color picker in Google Sheets.

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Understanding Hexadecimal Color Codes

Hexadecimal Color Codes
Hexadecimal Color Codes

Before we delve into the process of obtaining hexadecimal color codes in Google Sheets, let's take a moment to understand what they are and why they matter. Hexadecimal color codes, also known as HTML color codes, are a standardized way to represent colors on the web. They consist of a "#" symbol followed by six characters, which can be a combination of letters (A-F) and numbers (0-9). Each pair of characters represents the intensity of red, green, and blue (RGB) components of the color, ranging from 00 (lowest) to FF (highest).

For example, the hexadecimal color code for pure red is "#FF0000", where "FF" represents the maximum intensity of red, and "00" indicates the absence of green and blue. Similarly, the code for pure black is "#000000", and pure white is "#FFFFFF". By combining different values for red, green, and blue, you can create a vast array of colors like dark magenta with the hex code #4c1130, light yellow 3 with #fff44f, or cornflower blue with #6495ed.

Understanding hexadecimal color codes is crucial when working with colors in Google Sheets, as they provide a precise and consistent way to specify colors across different devices and platforms.

How to Access the Google Color Picker in Google Sheets

How to Access the Google Color Picker in Google Sheets
How to Access the Google Color Picker in Google Sheets

To get started with obtaining hexadecimal color codes in Google Sheets, you first need to access the Google color picker. The color picker is a built-in tool that allows you to select colors visually and provides you with their corresponding hexadecimal codes. Here's how you can access the color picker in Google Sheets:

  1. Open your Google Sheets spreadsheet.
  2. Select a cell or range of cells where you want to apply a color.
  3. Click on the "Fill color" icon (the paint bucket) in the toolbar.
  4. From the color palette that appears, click on the "Custom" option, which is represented by a plus sign (+).

The Google color picker will now open, presenting you with a wide range of color options to choose from, including the colors of the Google logo.

Exploring the Google Color Picker

Google Color Picker
Google Color Picker

The Google color picker in Google Sheets offers a user-friendly interface for selecting colors. It consists of several components that allow you to fine-tune your color selection:

  1. Color spectrum: The main area of the color picker displays a spectrum of colors. You can click and drag the selector within this spectrum to choose a color.
  2. Hue slider: Below the color spectrum, you'll find a hue slider. This slider allows you to quickly navigate through different hues (colors) by moving the selector left or right.
  3. Opacity slider: The opacity slider, located next to the hue slider, enables you to adjust the transparency of the selected color. Moving the slider to the left makes the color more transparent, while moving it to the right makes it more opaque.
  4. Color preview: The color preview box shows the currently selected color. It updates in real-time as you make changes using the color spectrum or sliders.
  5. Hexadecimal color code: Below the color preview box, you'll find the hexadecimal color code for the selected color. This is the code you'll need to use when working with colors programmatically or in other applications.

Take some time to explore the Google color picker and experiment with different color selections. You can create custom colors by adjusting the hue, saturation, and brightness using the color spectrum and sliders. Try selecting colors like dark grey with the hex code #a9a9a9, light cyan with #e0ffff, or a vibrant purple with #9b30ff.

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How to Obtain Hexadecimal Color Codes

Now that you're familiar with the Google color picker in Google Sheets, let's focus on how to obtain the hexadecimal color codes for your selected colors. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open the Google color picker by following the steps mentioned earlier.
  2. Use the color spectrum, hue slider, and opacity slider to select the desired color. For example, you might choose a light gray color with the hex code #d3d3d3 or a deep red with #8b0000.
  3. Once you've found the perfect color, look at the hexadecimal color code displayed below the color preview box.
  4. Click on the hexadecimal color code to automatically copy it to your clipboard.
  5. Paste the copied hexadecimal color code wherever you need it, such as in a cell or in your custom scripts.

Congratulations! You now have the hexadecimal color code for your selected color. You can repeat this process for any other colors you want to use in your Google Sheets spreadsheet, whether it's a dark green with hex #006400, a golden yellow with #ffd700, or any other color from the Google Sheets color palette.

How to Use Hexadecimal Color Codes in Google Sheets

With the hexadecimal color codes at your fingertips, you can utilize them in various ways within Google Sheets. Here are a few examples:

  1. Applying cell background color: To change the background color of a cell or range of cells, select the desired cells, click on the "Fill color" icon, and then click on the "Custom" option. In the Google color picker, paste the hexadecimal color code into the input field and press Enter. The selected cells will now have the specified background color.
  2. Changing text color: To modify the color of the text within a cell, select the cell or range of cells, click on the "Text color" icon (the "A" with a color underline), and follow the same process as applying cell background color. Paste the hexadecimal color code into the Google color picker's input field, and the text color will update accordingly.
  3. Using colors in charts: When creating charts in Google Sheets, you can customize the colors of data series, labels, and other elements. Right-click on the chart element you want to modify, select "Format," and then choose the "Fill" or "Text" option depending on what you want to change. In the color picker, paste the hexadecimal color code to apply the desired color to the chart element.
  4. Conditional formatting: Hexadecimal color codes can also be used in conditional formatting rules to highlight cells based on specific criteria. Select the range of cells, click on "Format" in the menu, and choose "Conditional formatting." In the formatting rules, you can specify the hexadecimal color code for the background or text color when the defined conditions are met. For example, you could use the COUNTIF function with a color condition to count cells of a specific color.

By incorporating hexadecimal color codes into your Google Sheets workflow, you can create visually appealing and consistent color schemes throughout your spreadsheet.

Creating a Custom Function to Get Hexadecimal Color Codes

If you frequently need to obtain hexadecimal color codes for cells in your Google Sheets spreadsheet, you can create a custom function using Google Apps Script to automate the process. Here's how you can create a custom function to retrieve the hexadecimal color code of a cell:

  1. Open your Google Sheets spreadsheet.
  2. Click on "Tools" in the menu and select "Script editor."
  3. In the script editor, delete any existing code and replace it with the following:
function cellHex(row, col) {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var cell = sheet.getRange(row, col);
  var color = cell.getBackground();
  return color;
  1. Save the script by clicking on the floppy disk icon or pressing Ctrl+S (Windows) or Cmd+S (Mac).
  2. Close the script editor and return to your Google Sheets spreadsheet.
  3. In any cell where you want to display the hexadecimal color code, enter the following formula:
=cellHex(ROW(cell), COLUMN(cell))

Replace "cell" with the reference to the cell whose color code you want to retrieve. For example, if you want to get the color code of cell B5, use:

=cellHex(ROW(B5), COLUMN(B5))
  1. Press Enter, and the formula will display the hexadecimal color code of the specified cell.

You can copy this formula to other cells to quickly obtain the color codes for different cells in your spreadsheet. The custom function cellHex takes the row and column numbers as arguments and returns the background color of the corresponding cell as a hexadecimal color code.


Understanding how to work with colors and hexadecimal color codes in Google Sheets is a valuable skill that can enhance your spreadsheets and make them more visually appealing. By utilizing the Google color picker and custom functions, you can easily obtain and apply hexadecimal color codes to various elements of your spreadsheet, such as cell backgrounds, text colors, charts, and conditional formatting.

Remember to explore the Google color picker to create custom colors, experiment with different color combinations, and use hexadecimal color codes consistently throughout your spreadsheet for a cohesive and professional look. Whether you're using colors from the Google Sheets color palette or creating your own custom colors, hexadecimal codes provide a precise way to specify and communicate colors.

With the knowledge gained from this article, you're now equipped to harness the power of colors in Google Sheets and take your spreadsheets to the next level. Happy coloring!

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FAQ about Using Google Color Picker and Eyedropper Tool

How do I use Google color picker?

To use the Google color picker, click on the "Custom" option in the color dropdown menu in Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Drawings. This will open the color palette tool where you can select a color from the grid, enter a hex code, or use the new eyedropper tool to pick a color from anywhere on your screen.

Can Google identify colors?

Yes, Google's color picker tool can identify colors from anywhere on your screen using the new eyedropper feature. Simply click on the eyedropper icon in the color palette tool and then click on the desired color on your screen to select it.

How do I use the eyedropper tool on Google?

To use the eyedropper tool in Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Drawings, open the color palette tool by clicking on the "Custom" option in the color dropdown menu. Then, click on the eyedropper icon and hover over the desired color on your screen. Click to select the color, and it will be added to your color palette.

How do I customize the color picker in Chrome?

You can customize the color picker in Chrome by using the Color Picker extension from the Chrome Web Store. This extension allows you to create a personalized color palette, pick colors from web pages using an eyedropper tool, create color scales, and blend colors.