# Mistral AI

How to Jailbreak Mistral AI LLMs
How to Jailbreak Mistral AI LLMs
Read this article to find out the latest working jailbreak prompts for Mistral AI!
Mistral Large 2: Better Than GPT-4 and Llama 3.1 405B?
Mistral Large 2: Better Than GPT-4 and Llama 3.1 405B?
We have a new open source King in the House! Mistral Large 2 is potentially better than GPT-4 and Llama 3.1 405B. Read this article to find out!
Mistral-NeMo-Instruct-12B: Best Open Source Model to Fine Tune Now
Mistral-NeMo-Instruct-12B: Best Open Source Model to Fine Tune Now
Mistral-NeMo-Instruct-12B is a cutting-edge open-source language model that combines impressive performance with accessibility, making it ideal for fine-tuning and local deployment in various AI applications.
Compared: Mistral NeMo 12B vs Mistral 7B vs Mixtral 8x7B vs Mistral Medium
Compared: Mistral NeMo 12B vs Mistral 7B vs Mixtral 8x7B vs Mistral Medium
In this article, we take a look at the latest Mistral NeMo 12B model, and compare it to other Mistral Models such as: Mistral 7B vs Mixtral 8x7B vs Mistral Medium
Mixtral Prompt Structure: Clearly Explained
Mixtral Prompt Structure: Clearly Explained
This article discusses how to compare and migrate prompts to open-source language models like Mixtral, using PromptLayer for evaluation and iteration.
Mathstral: Small But Mighty LLM for Mathematical Reasoning
Mathstral: Small But Mighty LLM for Mathematical Reasoning
This article delves into the technical aspects of Mathstral, its architecture, performance benchmarks, and how to run it locally using Ollama.
How to Run Codestral 22B Locally with Ollama and Build an AI App with Anakin AI
How to Run Codestral 22B Locally with Ollama and Build an AI App with Anakin AI
The world of AI is rapidly evolving, and with the advent of powerful models like Codestral 22B, the possibilities for code generation and natural language processing are expanding.
Codestral: Mistral AI's New Open Source LLM Trained for Coding
Codestral: Mistral AI's New Open Source LLM Trained for Coding
Mistral AI just released their new LLM trained for coding, read this article to find out!
Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3: A Powerful Language Model for Diverse Applications
Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3: A Powerful Language Model for Diverse Applications
Mistral AI has released an exciting update to their large language model - Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.3, let's learn what's new!
How to Run Mixtral 8x22B Instruct Locally with Ease!
How to Run Mixtral 8x22B Instruct Locally with Ease!
Discover the groundbreaking Mixtral 8x77B language model by Mistral AI. Explore the future of AI and the limitless possibilities it holds. Click to unlock the power of language AI with Mixtral 8x77B!
Mistral AI Just Unleashed Mistral 8x22B with Weights
Mistral AI Just Unleashed Mistral 8x22B with Weights
Mistral AI just dropped a Mistral 8x22B MoE model with Downloading torrents and Open Source Weights, read this article to learn about it!
How to Bypass Character AI NSFW Filter: A Comprehensive Guide
How to Bypass Character AI NSFW Filter: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you bored of the numerous filters that are applied to Character AI? This article offers an extensive guideline on how to bypass character AI NSFW filters to enjoy the fullest gaming experience.
Mistral 7B v0.2 Base Model, the New Open Source LLM King Is Here
Mistral 7B v0.2 Base Model, the New Open Source LLM King Is Here
Mistral 7B v0.2 is a groundbreaking open-source language model developed by Mistral AI. Let's take a look at how good it is!
Deep Dive into Mistral Large AI Model: Close Enough to GPT-4?
Deep Dive into Mistral Large AI Model: Close Enough to GPT-4?
Uncover the boundaries being pushed by Mistral Large AI: A leap into next-gen coding, multilingual comprehension, and human-like reasoning!
Has Mistral-Medium Been Leaked? The "Miqu-1-70B" Saga Explained!
Has Mistral-Medium Been Leaked? The "Miqu-1-70B" Saga Explained!
Examine the latest "leak" of Mistral-Medium model, testing out miqu-1-70b!
How to Run Mixtral 8x7B Locally - Step by Step Tutorial
How to Run Mixtral 8x7B Locally - Step by Step Tutorial
Discover the power of Mixtral 8x7B - GPT-4's little sibling! Uncover how to run this model locally, including running Mixtral 8x7B on Mac with detailed steps and codes!