STORM: the Open Source Perplexity Pages Alternative by Stanford

STORM is an innovative AI-powered system that automates comprehensive research and report generation by leveraging large language models to gather, analyze, and synthesize information from diverse sources.

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STORM: the Open Source Perplexity Pages Alternative by Stanford

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STORM, developed by the Stanford Open Virtual Assistant Lab (OVAL), is an innovative Large Language Model (LLM) powered knowledge curation system designed to revolutionize the way we research and generate comprehensive reports on various topics. This groundbreaking project leverages the power of artificial intelligence to automate the process of information gathering, analysis, and synthesis, producing high-quality, citation-backed reports on a wide range of subjects.

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Overview and Purpose

In today's information-rich world, the ability to quickly gather, process, and synthesize knowledge from diverse sources is increasingly valuable. STORM addresses this need by providing a sophisticated AI-driven solution that can research topics and generate detailed reports with minimal human intervention. This tool has the potential to transform how researchers, students, journalists, and professionals across various fields approach information gathering and report writing.

The primary goal of STORM is to streamline the research process, saving time and effort while ensuring the production of well-structured, informative, and accurately cited reports. By harnessing the capabilities of large language models and integrating them with advanced information retrieval systems, STORM represents a significant step forward in automated knowledge curation and report generation.

Key Features

LLM-Powered Research and Writing

At the core of STORM is its use of state-of-the-art large language models. These models are trained on vast amounts of data and can understand context, generate human-like text, and perform complex reasoning tasks. In STORM, LLMs are employed to:

  1. Interpret research queries and break them down into subtopics
  2. Generate relevant search queries to gather information
  3. Analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources
  4. Produce coherent and well-structured reports

This LLM-driven approach ensures that the generated reports are not mere compilations of information but thoughtfully crafted documents that present a comprehensive overview of the topic at hand.

Flexible Language Model Support

One of STORM's strengths is its flexibility in terms of language model integration. The system supports various LLM families and clients, including:

  • GPT family models
  • Claude family models
  • VLLM client
  • TGI client
  • Together Client

This flexibility allows users to choose the most suitable language model for their specific needs, whether it's based on performance, cost, or other factors.

Customizable Retriever Module

STORM's architecture includes a customizable Retriever module, which is responsible for gathering information from various sources. This module can be tailored to work with different search engines or retrieval models, allowing users to optimize the information gathering process based on their requirements.

Citation and Source Tracking

A crucial aspect of any research report is proper citation and source tracking. STORM excels in this area by automatically including citations for the information it uses in the generated reports. This feature ensures that the output is not only informative but also academically rigorous and verifiable.

Modular and Extensible Architecture

The STORM project is designed with modularity and extensibility in mind. Its pipeline is structured in a way that allows for easy customization and extension of various components. This architecture facilitates:

  • Integration of new language models
  • Addition of new information retrieval methods
  • Customization of report generation processes

User-Friendly Interfaces

To make STORM accessible to a wide range of users, the project offers multiple user interfaces:

  1. A web-based UI available at, which provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with STORM and discovering popular topics.
  2. A lightweight demo interface built with Streamlit, ideal for local development and demonstration purposes.

These interfaces make it easy for users with varying levels of technical expertise to leverage STORM's capabilities.

Technical Implementation of STORM

Pipeline Structure

STORM's pipeline is carefully structured to ensure efficient and effective knowledge curation. The main components of the pipeline include:

  1. Query Interpretation: Analyzing the user's research query and breaking it down into manageable subtopics.
  2. Information Retrieval: Using the Retriever module to gather relevant information from specified sources.
  3. Content Analysis: Processing and analyzing the retrieved information using the chosen language model.
  4. Report Generation: Synthesizing the analyzed information into a coherent and well-structured report.
  5. Citation Integration: Automatically including relevant citations throughout the generated report.

Customization Options

STORM's modular design allows for extensive customization:

  • Language Models: Users can integrate different LLMs based on their preferences and requirements.
  • Retriever Module: The information retrieval process can be customized to use specific search engines or databases.
  • Report Format: The structure and style of the generated reports can be adjusted to suit different needs.

Development and Contribution

The STORM project is open-source and welcomes contributions from the community. Developers can contribute by:

  • Integrating support for new language models
  • Improving existing retriever modules or adding new ones
  • Enhancing the user interface and user experience
  • Optimizing the pipeline for better performance

Use Cases and Applications

STORM's versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications across various fields:

Academic Research

Researchers can use STORM to quickly gather information on new topics, generate literature reviews, or stay updated on the latest developments in their field. The automatic citation feature is particularly valuable in academic contexts.

Journalism and Content Creation

Journalists and content creators can leverage STORM to research topics quickly and generate well-structured drafts for articles or reports. This can significantly speed up the content creation process while ensuring comprehensive coverage of the subject matter.

Business Intelligence

Companies can utilize STORM to gather and synthesize information about market trends, competitor activities, or industry developments. The generated reports can inform strategic decision-making processes.


Educators and students can benefit from STORM's ability to create comprehensive study materials on various topics. It can be a valuable tool for both teaching and learning, providing quick access to well-organized information.

Policy Analysis

Government agencies and think tanks can use STORM to research complex policy issues, gathering information from multiple sources and generating balanced reports to inform policy-making processes.

Future Developments and Potential

The STORM project is continuously evolving, with several exciting developments on the horizon:

Human-AI Collaboration Mode

A major update planned for STORM is the introduction of a human-AI collaboration mode. This feature will allow users to work interactively with the AI system, guiding the research process and refining the generated reports. This collaborative approach has the potential to combine the strengths of human insight and AI efficiency.

Enhanced Document Grounding

Recent updates have introduced support for retrieving information from customized documents through the VectorRM feature. This capability allows users to ground STORM's knowledge in specific document sets, expanding its utility for specialized research tasks.

Improved User Interfaces

Ongoing development efforts are focused on enhancing the user interfaces, making STORM more accessible and user-friendly. This includes improvements to both the web-based UI and the lightweight demo interface.

Expanded Language Model Support

As new language models emerge and existing ones improve, STORM will continue to integrate support for these advancements, ensuring that users have access to the most capable AI technologies for their knowledge curation needs.


STORM represents a significant leap forward in the field of AI-assisted research and report generation. By combining the power of large language models with flexible information retrieval systems and a modular, extensible architecture, STORM offers a powerful tool for knowledge curation across various domains.

As the project continues to evolve, it has the potential to transform how we approach information gathering and synthesis in academic, professional, and personal contexts. The open-source nature of the project invites collaboration and contribution from the global community, promising ongoing improvements and innovations.

Whether you're a researcher looking to streamline your literature review process, a journalist seeking to quickly gather comprehensive information on breaking news, or a student aiming to create well-structured reports, STORM offers a versatile and powerful solution. As AI technologies continue to advance, tools like STORM will play an increasingly important role in how we navigate and make sense of the vast sea of information available to us.

The Stanford OVAL team's commitment to ongoing development and community engagement ensures that STORM will remain at the forefront of AI-powered knowledge curation systems, continually adapting to meet the evolving needs of its users and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in automated research and report generation.

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