Open WebUI: Build Your Local ChatGPT with Ollama in Minutes

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Open WebUI: Build Your Local ChatGPT with Ollama in Minutes

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Open WebUI: Unleashing the Power of Language Models

Open WebUI, formerly known as Ollama WebUI, is a powerful open-source platform that enables users to interact with and leverage the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) through a user-friendly web interface. Built on top of the Hugging Face Transformers library, Open WebUI provides a seamless way to explore and utilize state-of-the-art language models for various natural language processing (NLP) tasks.

In this article, we will dive into the details of Open WebUI, exploring its features, installation process, and how to effectively use it with sample code snippets. We will also cover the process of creating a ChatGPT-like UI for your AI projects, as demonstrated in the YouTube video "Creating a ChatGPT like UI for all your AI projects" by Alejandro AO.

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Features of Open WebUI

Open WebUI offers a range of features that make it an attractive choice for developers and researchers working with language models:

Intuitive Web Interface: Open WebUI provides a clean and intuitive web interface that allows users to interact with language models without the need for complex setup or coding.

Support for Multiple Models: Open WebUI supports a wide range of language models, including GPT-2, GPT-Neo, and BERT, among others. This flexibility enables users to choose the most suitable model for their specific use case.

Real-time Inference: With Open WebUI, users can perform real-time inference on input text, generating outputs based on the selected language model and parameters.

Customizable Parameters: Open WebUI allows users to customize various parameters, such as temperature, top-k, and top-p, to fine-tune the generated outputs according to their preferences.

API Integration: Open WebUI provides an API endpoint that can be easily integrated into existing applications or workflows, enabling programmatic access to the language models.

Local and Remote RAG Integration: Open WebUI supports Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), allowing users to seamlessly integrate local and web-based content into their chats by starting a prompt with #. This feature is still in its alpha phase and may occasionally encounter issues.

Prompt Preset Support: Users can instantly access preset prompts using the /command in the chat input, making it easy to load predefined conversation starters and expedite interactions. Prompts can also be imported through Open WebUI Community integration.

RLHF Annotation: Open WebUI enables users to rate messages with thumbs up and thumbs down, facilitating the creation of datasets for Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). These messages can be utilized to train or fine-tune models while ensuring the confidentiality of locally saved data.

Modelfile Builder: Open WebUI includes a Modelfile Builder that allows users to easily create Ollama modelfiles via the web UI. Users can create and add characters/agents, customize chat elements, and import modelfiles effortlessly through Open WebUI Community integration.

Image Generation Integration: Open WebUI seamlessly incorporates image generation capabilities using AUTOMATIC1111 API (local) and DALL-E, enriching the chat experience with dynamic visual content.

How to Install Open WebUI

To get started with Open WebUI, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Clone the Repository:

git clone
cd open-webui

Install Dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Application:


Access the Web Interface:
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000 to access the Open WebUI interface.

How to Use Open WebUI

Once you have Open WebUI up and running, you can start exploring its capabilities. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use Open WebUI:

  • Select a Language Model: From the dropdown menu on the Open WebUI interface, choose the desired language model you want to work with.
  • Input Text: Enter the input text or prompt in the provided text area. This text will serve as the starting point for the language model to generate a response.
  • Adjust Parameters (Optional): If desired, you can adjust the generation parameters such as temperature, top-k, and top-p to control the randomness and diversity of the generated outputs.
  • Generate Output: Click the "Generate" button to initiate the inference process. Open WebUI will send the input text to the selected language model and display the generated output in the interface.
  • Iterate and Refine: You can continue to modify the input text, adjust parameters, and generate new outputs until you achieve the desired results.

How to Create a ChatGPT-like UI for Your AI Projects Using Open WebUI

In the YouTube video "Creating a ChatGPT like UI for all your AI projects" by Alejandro AO, a step-by-step guide is provided on how to create a user-friendly chat interface similar to ChatGPT for your AI projects. Here's a summary of the key steps:

  • Set up the Project: Create a new project directory and initialize a new React application using the create-react-app command.
  • Install Dependencies: Install the necessary dependencies, such as react-chat-ui and axios, to facilitate the chat interface and API communication.
  • Create the Chat Component: Create a new component called Chat that will serve as the main chat interface. Import the required components from react-chat-ui and set up the initial state for messages and user input.
  • Implement the Chat Functionality: Define functions to handle user input, send messages to the backend API, and receive responses. Update the state accordingly to display the messages in the chat interface.
  • Integrate with the Backend API: Use axios to make API calls to the backend server, sending user messages and receiving generated responses from the language model.
  • Style the Chat Interface: Apply CSS styles to customize the appearance of the chat interface, making it visually appealing and user-friendly.
  • Test and Refine: Run the application and test the chat functionality. Iterate and refine the code as needed to ensure a smooth and responsive user experience.

By following these steps, you can create a ChatGPT-like UI for your AI projects, providing users with an intuitive and engaging way to interact with language models.

Advanced Tips for Using Open WebUI

Open WebUI is a powerful platform that offers a wide range of features and customization options. In this article, we will explore some advanced tips and techniques to help you make the most of Open WebUI. We will cover topics such as load balancing, OpenAI API endpoints, image generation, and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

Ollama Load Balancing with Open WebUI

Load balancing allows you to distribute the processing load across multiple Ollama instances, improving performance and reliability. Here's how you can configure Open WebUI to connect to multiple Ollama instances using environment variables:

With Docker Run

Use the following command to run Open WebUI with Docker and connect to multiple Ollama instances:

docker run -d -p 3000:8080 \
  -v open-webui:/app/backend/data \
  -e OLLAMA_BASE_URLS="http://ollama-one:11434;http://ollama-two:11434" \
  --name open-webui \
  --restart always \

The OLLAMA_BASE_URLS environment variable specifies the base URLs for each Ollama instance, separated by semicolons (;). Make sure both Ollama instances are running the same version and have matching tags for each shared model.

With Docker Compose

If you prefer using docker-compose, you can define the OLLAMA_BASE_URLS environment variable in your docker-compose.yaml file:

      - OLLAMA_BASE_URLS=http://ollama-one:11434;http://ollama-two:11434

Alternatively, you can define the OLLAMA_BASE_URLS variable in an .env file located in the same directory as your docker-compose.yaml file:


Ensuring Model Consistency

To prevent issues, ensure that both Ollama instances are running identical versions and tags for each shared model. You can use the "Update All Models" button in the Settings > Models screen to keep the models synchronized across instances.

OpenAI API Endpoints with Open WebUI

Open WebUI allows you to configure multiple OpenAI (or compatible) API endpoints using environment variables. This enables you to switch between different API providers or use multiple providers simultaneously.

With Docker Run

Use the following command to run Open WebUI with Docker and configure multiple OpenAI API endpoints:

docker run -d -p 3000:8080 \
  -v open-webui:/app/backend/data \
  --name open-webui \
  --restart always \

Replace <OPENAI_API_KEY_1> and <OPENAI_API_KEY_2> with your actual API keys.

With Docker Compose

In your docker-compose.yaml file, define the OPENAI_API_BASE_URLS and OPENAI_API_KEYS environment variables:


You can define the values of these variables in an .env file:


Image Generation with Open WebUI

Open WebUI supports image generation through two backends: AUTOMATIC1111 and OpenAI DALL路E.

Use AUTOMATIC1111 Stable Diffusion with Open WebUI

To use AUTOMATIC1111 for image generation, follow these steps:

Install AUTOMATIC1111 and launch it with the following command:

./ --api --listen

For Docker installation, use the following command:

docker run -d -p 3000:8080 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -e AUTOMATIC1111_BASE_URL=http://host.docker.internal:7860/ -e IMAGE_GENERATION_ENABLED=True -v open-webui:/app/backend/data --name open-webui --restart always

In Open WebUI, go to Settings > Images and enter the address where AUTOMATIC1111's API is accessible in the "API URL" field.

Use ComfyUI with Open WebUI

ComfyUI is an alternative interface for managing and interacting with image generation models. To set up ComfyUI:

Download and extract the ComfyUI software package from GitHub.

Start ComfyUI with the following command:


For systems with low VRAM, use the --lowvram flag:

python --lowvram

For Docker installation, use the following command:

docker run -d -p 3000:8080 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -e COMFYUI_BASE_URL=http://host.docker.internal:7860/ -e IMAGE_GENERATION_ENABLED=True -v open-webui:/app/backend/data --name open-webui --restart always

In Open WebUI, go to Settings > Images and enter the address where ComfyUI's API is accessible in the "API URL" field.

Use OpenAI DALL路E with Open WebUI

To use OpenAI DALL路E for image generation in Open WebUI, follow these steps:

Obtain an API key from OpenAI:

  • Go to the OpenAI website ( and sign up for an account.
  • Navigate to the API section and generate an API key.

Configure Open WebUI to use OpenAI DALL路E:

  • In Open WebUI, go to the Settings > Images section.
  • Select "OpenAI" as your image generation backend.
  • Enter your OpenAI API key in the provided field.

Choose the DALL路E model:

  • In the Settings > Images section, select the DALL路E model you wish to use.
  • DALL路E 2 supports image sizes of 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024.
  • DALL路E 3 supports image sizes of 1024x1024, 1792x1024, or 1024x1792.

Generate images using DALL路E:

  • Use a text generation model to write a prompt for image generation.
  • After the response has finished, click the Picture icon to generate an image based on the prompt.

Sample code for generating an image using the OpenAI API:

import openai

openai.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

response = openai.Image.create(
    prompt="A beautiful sunset over a serene beach",

image_url = response['data'][0]['url']

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Open WebUI

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) allows you to include context from diverse sources in your chats. Text from different sources is combined with the RAG template and prefixed to the user's prompt.

Including External Sources in Chats

Activate RAG by starting the prompt with a # symbol.

  • A list of available sources will appear.

Select the desired source from the list.

  • Once selected, a document icon will appear at the top of the prompt, indicating successful retrieval.

Local Sources

To use local documents as sources for RAG:

Upload the desired documents via the Documents section in Open WebUI.

  • Navigate to the Documents section and click the "Upload" button.
  • Select the local files you want to use as sources.

Activate RAG and select the uploaded local documents as sources.

Sourcing from the Web

To use web pages as sources for RAG:

Start the prompt with # followed by the target URL.

  • Open WebUI will fetch and parse the content of the specified URL.

Tip: For better results, link to a raw or reader-friendly version of the page to avoid extraneous information.

Sample code for fetching and parsing a web page:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

content = soup.find("div", class_="article-content").get_text()

Document Parsing

Open WebUI uses various parsers to extract content from local and remote documents. The parsing process is handled internally by the system.

RAG Template Customization

To modify the RAG template:

  1. Go to the Documents section in Open WebUI.
  2. Click on the 'settings' icon.
  3. Customize the RAG template according to your requirements.

By leveraging these advanced features and techniques, you can enhance your experience with Open WebUI and unlock its full potential for your AI projects. Experiment with different sources, templates, and image generation options to create powerful and engaging AI-driven applications.


Open WebUI provides a powerful and user-friendly platform for interacting with large language models. With its intuitive web interface, support for multiple models, and customizable parameters, Open WebUI empowers developers and researchers to explore and leverage the capabilities of LLMs effortlessly.

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By following the installation steps, creating a ChatGPT-like UI, and utilizing the provided code samples, you can quickly get started with Open WebUI and begin generating high-quality text outputs for various NLP tasks. Whether you are working on text generation, question answering, or any other language-related application, Open WebUI offers a versatile and accessible solution.

As you dive deeper into Open WebUI, don't hesitate to explore its documentation and community resources for further guidance and advanced use cases. With Open WebUI at your disposal, the possibilities for harnessing the power of language models are endless.