Claude Prompt Engineer: Automating Optimal Prompt Creation for AI Models

The article introduces the Claude Prompt Engineer, an AI-powered tool that automates the process of creating optimal prompts for AI language models like Claude, saving time and improving model performance.

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Claude Prompt Engineer: Automating Optimal Prompt Creation for AI Models

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The field of artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing, with language models like GPT and Claude demonstrating remarkable capabilities in natural language processing and generation. However, the performance of these models heavily depends on the quality of the prompts provided to them. Crafting the perfect prompt to elicit the desired output can be a time-consuming and challenging task. This is where the Claude Prompt Engineer comes in - an innovative tool that automates the process of creating optimal prompts for AI models.

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What is the Claude Prompt Engineer?

Developed by Matt Shumer, the Claude Prompt Engineer is an AI-powered system designed to generate high-quality prompts for various tasks. It leverages the capabilities of Anthropic's Claude 3 Opus model to automatically create, evaluate, refine, and select the best prompts for a given use case. By describing the task and providing relevant input variables, users can let the Prompt Engineer handle the complex prompt engineering process from start to finish.

The core idea behind the Claude Prompt Engineer is to use a chain of AI models to manage the entire prompt creation workflow. It starts by generating a set of candidate prompts based on the task description and input variables. These prompts are then evaluated against a series of automatically generated test cases to assess their performance. The system iteratively refines the prompts and selects the top-performing ones, ultimately presenting the user with the most effective prompt for their specific task.

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Key Features and Components of Claude Prompt Engineer

The Claude Prompt Engineer offers several powerful features that make it a valuable tool for anyone working with AI language models:

Classification Version: The system includes a dedicated notebook for classification tasks. It evaluates the correctness of test cases by comparing the model's output to the expected "true" or "false" labels. This allows for precise assessment of prompt performance in classification scenarios.

Claude 3 Integration: The Prompt Engineer is built to seamlessly integrate with Anthropic's state-of-the-art Claude 3 Opus model. By leveraging the capabilities of this advanced language model, the system can generate high-quality prompts that are tailored to the specific strengths of Claude 3.

Automatic Test Case Generation: One of the standout features of the Claude Prompt Engineer is its ability to automatically generate test cases. By providing a description of the task and the relevant input variables, the system can create a diverse set of test cases to thoroughly evaluate the performance of the generated prompts. This saves significant time and effort compared to manually crafting test cases.

Here's an example of how to generate test cases:

def generate_test_cases(description, input_variables, num_test_cases):
    headers = {
        "x-api-key": ANTHROPIC_API_KEY,
        "anthropic-version": "2023-06-01",
        "content-type": "application/json"

    variable_descriptions = "\n".join(f"{var['variable']}: {var['description']}" for var in input_variables)

    data = {
        "model": CANDIDATE_MODEL,
        "max_tokens": 1500,
        "temperature": CANDIDATE_MODEL_TEMPERATURE,
        "system": f"""You are an expert at generating test cases for evaluating AI-generated content.
Your task is to generate a list of {num_test_cases} test case prompts based on the given description and input variables.
Each test case should be a JSON object with a 'test_design' field containing the overall idea of this test case, and a list of additional JSONs for each input variable, called 'variables'.
The test cases should be diverse, covering a range of topics and styles relevant to the description.
Here are the input variables and their descriptions:
Return the test cases as a JSON list, with no other text or explanation.""",
        "messages": [
            {"role": "user", "content": f"Description: {description.strip()}\n\nGenerate the test cases. Make sure they are really, really great and diverse:"},

    response ="", headers=headers, json=data)
    message = response.json()

    response_text = message['content'][0]['text']

    test_cases = json.loads(response_text)

    return test_cases

Multi-Variable Support: The Prompt Engineer supports multiple input variables, allowing for greater flexibility and customization in prompt creation. Users can define various input variables along with their descriptions, and the system will incorporate them into the generated prompts using placeholder syntax. This enables the creation of dynamic and adaptable prompts that can handle a wide range of scenarios.

Agent-Based Architecture: The system employs an agent-based approach, where a chain of AI models collaborates to handle the entire prompt engineering process. This includes prompt creation, evaluation, refinement, and selection. By breaking down the task into specialized agents, the Claude Prompt Engineer can efficiently navigate the complex landscape of prompt engineering and deliver optimal results.

Here's a code snippet showcasing the agent-based architecture:

def test_candidate_prompts(test_cases, description, input_variables, prompts):
    prompt_ratings = {prompt: 1200 for prompt in prompts}

    for prompt1, prompt2 in itertools.combinations(prompts, 2):
        for test_case in test_cases:
            generation1 = get_generation(prompt1, test_case, input_variables)
            generation2 = get_generation(prompt2, test_case, input_variables)

            score1 = get_score(description, test_case, generation1, generation2, input_variables, RANKING_MODEL, RANKING_MODEL_TEMPERATURE)
            score2 = get_score(description, test_case, generation2, generation1, input_variables, RANKING_MODEL, RANKING_MODEL_TEMPERATURE)

            score1 = 1 if score1 == 'A' else 0 if score1 == 'B' else 0.5
            score2 = 1 if score2 == 'B' else 0 if score2 == 'A' else 0.5

            score = (score1 + score2) / 2

            r1, r2 = prompt_ratings[prompt1], prompt_ratings[prompt2]
            r1, r2 = update_elo(r1, r2, score)
            prompt_ratings[prompt1], prompt_ratings[prompt2] = r1, r2

    return prompt_ratings

Benefits and Applications

The Claude Prompt Engineer offers numerous benefits for individuals and organizations working with AI language models:

Time and Effort Savings: Crafting effective prompts manually can be a time-consuming and iterative process. The Prompt Engineer automates this task, significantly reducing the time and effort required to create high-quality prompts. This allows users to focus on other important aspects of their projects while leaving the prompt engineering to the AI system.

Improved Model Performance: The quality of prompts directly impacts the performance of AI language models. By generating optimized prompts tailored to specific tasks, the Claude Prompt Engineer helps maximize the potential of models like Claude 3. This leads to more accurate and relevant outputs, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the AI system.

Consistency and Scalability: Manually creating prompts can introduce inconsistencies and variations, especially when multiple individuals are involved. The Prompt Engineer ensures a consistent approach to prompt creation, maintaining high standards across different tasks and users. Additionally, the automated nature of the system allows for scalability, enabling the generation of a large number of prompts efficiently.

Diverse Application Areas: The Claude Prompt Engineer is designed to be versatile and applicable to a wide range of tasks. Whether it's classification, text generation, question answering, or any other language-related task, the system can adapt and generate suitable prompts. This makes it a valuable tool for various industries and domains, including customer support, content creation, research, and more.

Getting Started with the Claude Prompt Engineer

To start using the Claude Prompt Engineer, users can visit the GitHub repository at:

GitHub - mshumer/gpt-prompt-engineer
Contribute to mshumer/gpt-prompt-engineer development by creating an account on GitHub.

The repository provides detailed instructions on setting up and running the system. Users need to have an Anthropic API key to access the Claude 3 model. Once the API key is configured, users can adjust various settings such as the number of candidate prompts, test cases, and model parameters to suit their specific requirements.

The repository includes Jupyter notebooks that guide users through the process of generating prompts for different tasks. Users can provide a description of their task, define the relevant input variables, and let the Prompt Engineer handle the rest. The system will generate a set of candidate prompts, evaluate them against automatically generated test cases, and present the top-performing prompts along with their scores.

Here's an example of how to use the Claude Prompt Engineer:

from claude_prompt_engineer import generate_optimal_prompt

description = "Given a prompt, generate a personalized email response."
input_variables = [
    {"variable": "SENDER_NAME", "description": "The name of the person who sent the email."},
    {"variable": "RECIPIENT_NAME", "description": "The name of the person receiving the email."},
    {"variable": "TOPIC", "description": "The main topic or subject of the email. One to two sentences."}

generate_optimal_prompt(description, input_variables, num_test_cases=10, number_of_prompts=5)

Future Directions and Potential

The Claude Prompt Engineer represents a significant step forward in automating prompt engineering for AI language models. However, there is still room for further advancements and improvements. Some potential future directions include:

Integration with Other Language Models: While the current version of the Prompt Engineer is built around the Claude 3 model, the system could be extended to support other popular language models such as GPT-3, T5, or BERT. This would allow users to leverage the strengths of different models and choose the one that best suits their specific tasks.

Fine-Tuning and Domain Adaptation: The Prompt Engineer could incorporate techniques for fine-tuning the generated prompts based on domain-specific data or user feedback. By continuously learning from real-world usage and adapting the prompts accordingly, the system could become even more effective and tailored to specific domains or user preferences.

Collaborative Prompt Engineering: The current version of the Prompt Engineer focuses on individual users generating prompts for their own tasks. However, there is potential for developing collaborative features that allow multiple users to work together on prompt engineering projects. This could include sharing prompts, providing feedback, and iteratively refining prompts as a team.

Integration with Other AI Tools: The Claude Prompt Engineer could be integrated with other AI tools and platforms to create end-to-end solutions. For example, it could be combined with data preprocessing tools, model training frameworks, or deployment pipelines to streamline the entire AI development process.


The Claude Prompt Engineer represents a significant advancement in the field of prompt engineering for AI language models. By automating the process of creating optimal prompts, it saves time, improves model performance, and enables scalable and consistent prompt generation. With its powerful features, including automatic test case generation, multi-variable support, and agent-based architecture, the Prompt Engineer is poised to become an essential tool for anyone working with AI language models.

As the field of AI continues to evolve, tools like the Claude Prompt Engineer will play a crucial role in unlocking the full potential of language models. By simplifying the prompt engineering process and making it accessible to a wider audience, the Prompt Engineer contributes to the democratization of AI and empowers individuals and organizations to harness the power of language models for various applications.

With ongoing research and development, the future of prompt engineering looks promising. The Claude Prompt Engineer serves as a foundation for further advancements, paving the way for more sophisticated and efficient prompt generation techniques. As the system evolves and integrates with other AI tools and platforms, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with and leverage AI language models.

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