Claude 3 vs GPT-4 for Coding, Who is Better?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, two prominent language models have emerged as powerhouses for assisting developers in their coding endeavours - Claude 3 and GPT-4. Both models exhibit remarkable capabilities, but when it comes to coding, which one proves to be the superior companion? In this article,

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Claude 3 vs GPT-4 for Coding, Who is Better?

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, two prominent language models have emerged as powerhouses for assisting developers in their coding endeavours - Claude 3 and GPT-4. Both models exhibit remarkable capabilities, but when it comes to coding, which one proves to be the superior companion? In this article, we'll explore and compare the performance of Claude 3 and GPT-4 in various coding scenarios.

What is Claude 3 and GPT-4?

Claude 3 is the latest model of Large Language Model (LLM) from Anthropic, a company mainly focus on AI research. The model is capable of multiple tasks like Real-time Multilingual Processing, Code Generation and Vision Analysis for static image. There are three model in Claude 3 family: Haiku, Sonnet and Opus. In this article, we will choose Claude 3 Sonnet for comparison.

GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4) is the newest large multimodal model developed by OpenAI, which is also a company concentrate on AI. The model shows its strong ability of text and image processing. As a transformer-based model, it return learning feedback base on pre-trained data, which is collected from public and licensed from third-party providers.

Coding Scenario 1: Short Scripting

Description: write a short Python script to fetch data from an API and display it.


Claude 3 Sonnet:


The second script is more considerable for handling exception and easily adapted to different APIs. In the meantime, the first script fail to compile and throw a KeyError. Claude 3 Sonnet won this case!

Coding Scenario 2: Complex Algorithm Design

Description: Write a python solution to solve knapsack problem


Claude 3 Sonnet:


Both models return the same method (dynamic programming) for solving this problem. However, the result from GPT-4 provides more inline comment, which is essential in software developing. In the meantime, Claude 3 Sonnet provides a clear explanation for the whole algorithm. Each model performs well in this part.


In coding generation, Claude 3 Sonnet provides a more comprehensive explanation as well as fewer mistakes occurred. However, since these two models are different in model design principles, with more authenticated and pre-trained data for GPT-4, it is possible for GPT-4 to provide a more comprehensive result in the future.