GPT-4 vs Bard: Is Google Bard Better After Gemini Update?

This comparison underscores GPT-4's adeptness in producing detailed, executable solutions and Bard's capacity for delivering concise project outlines.

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GPT-4 vs Bard: Is Google Bard Better After Gemini Update?

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As we stand at the threshold of 2024, the AI landscape has witnessed remarkable transformations. Central to this evolution are two groundbreaking technologies: ChatGPT and Google Bard. These tools are not just mere advancements in artificial intelligence; they represent the culmination of years of research, development, and innovative thinking.

In this comprehensive showdown, we delve into the intricacies of ChatGPT and Bard, juxtaposing their capabilities, updates, and real-world applications. This exploration aims to provide clarity in a field that is often shrouded in technical complexity, offering insights into how these tools are shaping the future of AI.

You can now access Google Gemini Pro API at Anakin AI👇👇👇.
Gemini Pro | AI Powered |
Gemini Pro is now free to all users.Gemini Pro, a groundbreaking AI model created by Google, seamlessly operates across various modalities including text, images, video, audio, and code.

Is Bard better than GPT-4 now?

Gemini's strong performance in benchmarks reflects its capabilities, but whether it is better than GPT-4 cannot be universally stated. In some technical benchmarks, Gemini Ultra has indeed outperformed GPT-4, particularly in its understanding of a wider range of subjects and disciplines.

Google Bard vs ChatGPT 4

The benchmarks indicate that the choice between Gemini Ultra and GPT-4 should be informed by the specific requirements of the task at hand, considering their respective strengths and weaknesses. Both models exhibit exceptional capabilities, but their nuances in performance will guide users to select the right tool for their particular needs.

Let's break down the data:

Is Google’s Gemini Better than GPT-4? Let’s Compare:
Explore the AI showdown between Google’s Gemini and OpenAI’s GPT-4 in our in-depth comparison. Discover the future of AI now!

Google Bard Gets a Boost with Gemini Update

The Gemini update's influence is clear from the benchmarks. It has significantly enhanced Bard's performance across various tasks, bringing it closer to or surpassing its competitors in certain areas. Here’s how:

  • Multidisciplinary Understanding: Gemini Ultra has shown remarkable performance on the MMLU benchmark, reflecting its ability to comprehend a wide range of subjects from humanities to technology.
  • Mathematical Reasoning: In the GSM8K, which involves grade-school math problems, Gemini Ultra outperforms all other models, demonstrating advanced problem-solving skills.

When examining the provided benchmarks, several patterns emerge:

Natural Language Processing:

  • MMLU: Gemini Ultra achieves a 90.4% success rate, while GPT-4 lags slightly behind at 87.29%. This suggests that Gemini Ultra has a slight advantage in understanding and answering complex questions across multiple subjects.
  • HellaSwag: GPT-4 outperforms Gemini Ultra with a score of 95.3% compared to 87.8%, indicating a stronger ability in common-sense reasoning tasks.

Mathematical Ability:

  • GSM8K: Here, Gemini Ultra shows a strong lead with 94.4% compared to GPT-4's 92.0%, showcasing superior mathematical reasoning.
  • MATH: GPT-4 seems to perform better with more context (4-shot) while Gemini Ultra excels with zero context given, which could imply differences in their learning and inference processes.

Coding and Reasoning:

  • HumanEval: Gemini Ultra scores 74.4% while GPT-4 follows closely at 67.0%. This highlights Gemini Ultra's robustness in understanding and generating code.
  • DROP: Both models show strong reading comprehension and reasoning, but Gemini Ultra has a slight edge with an 82.4% score compared to GPT-4's 80.9%.

Does It Mean Google Bard is Better than ChatGPT Now?

These benchmarks translate into practical implications in several ways:

  • Educational Applications: Gemini Ultra's strong performance in multidisciplinary understanding suggests it could be an exceptional tool for educational platforms, aiding in a variety of subjects from science to art.
  • Technical Problem-Solving: The high scores in mathematical and coding tasks suggest both models could significantly contribute to fields requiring technical problem-solving, such as data science and software development.
  • Content Creation and Reasoning: GPT-4's higher score in the HellaSwag benchmark indicates it might be better suited for content creation where common-sense reasoning and contextual understanding are crucial.

In Conclusion, GPT-4 still holds its ground in creative and complex textual outputs. The choice between Gemini and GPT-4 should be based on a clear understanding of each model's strengths in relation to the requirements of the application.

Bard vs GPT-4: Code Generation Comparison

Theoretical benchmarks provide us with quantifiable data on AI capabilities, but it's the application of these tools in real-world scenarios that truly measures their worth.

Google Bard vs GPT-4: Create Python Scripts for Video Editing

Consider the task of automating video editing through Python scripts—a process that involves combining audio tracks, editing video clips, and ensuring synchronization between the two. Let's run the following prompt down in both GPT-4(in ChatGPT Plus) and Gemini(in Google Bard):

I've been working on a video project that involved a series of editing steps which I believe can be automated with FFMPEG through a Python script. Here's an outline of the process I undertook:

1. I worked with three separate files: a video file (`video.mp4`), a background music file (`music.mp3`), and a voice-over file (`voice.mp3`).
2. I used an audio editing tool to merge `music.mp3` and `voice.mp3`. In the merged track, the voice-over starts 1 second after the music begins, and the music's volume is slightly reduced to ensure the voice-over is clearly heard.
3. I then stripped the original audio from `video.mp4` and replaced it with this newly combined audio track.
4. Lastly, I adjusted the playback speed of the video to match the duration of the combined audio track, ensuring they both end simultaneously.

Could you create a Python script for me that encapsulates this workflow? The script should be executable with the following command-line interface:

python --music filename.mp3 --voice voicefile.mp3 --video vidfile.mp4 --out output.mp4

This script should automate the audio merging with a 1-second delay for the voice-over, volume adjustment for the music, audio replacement in the video, and video time-stretching to match the audio duration. 

Response from GPT-4

Certainly! I'll provide you with a Python script that uses the `ffmpeg-python` package to automate your video editing tasks. Here's a prompt that describes what you want to do and the script that fulfills those requirements:

import ffmpeg
import argparse

def combine_audio(music_file, voice_file, output_file, music_volume=0.8):
    # Combine music and voice with voice starting 1 second later and music at lower volume
    input_music = ffmpeg.input(music_file).filter('volume', music_volume)
    input_voice = ffmpeg.input(voice_file).filter_('adelay', '1000|1000')
    combined_audio = ffmpeg.filter_([input_music, input_voice], 'amix')
    # Output the combined audio to a file
    ffmpeg.output(combined_audio, output_file).run()

def replace_audio_in_video(video_file, audio_file, output_file):
    # Remove the original audio and replace it with the new combined audio
    input_video = ffmpeg.input(video_file)
    input_audio = ffmpeg.input(audio_file)
    # Output the video with the new audio to a file
    ffmpeg.output(,, output_file, vcodec='copy').run()

def stretch_video(video_file, output_file, audio_duration):
    # Get the duration of the video file
    video_stream = ffmpeg.probe(video_file)['streams'][0]
    video_duration = float(video_stream['duration'])
    # Calculate the stretch factor
    stretch_factor = audio_duration / video_duration
    # Apply the time stretch to the video
    stretched_video = ffmpeg.input(video_file).filter_('setpts', f'PTS*{stretch_factor}')
    # Output the stretched video to a file
    ffmpeg.output(stretched_video, output_file).run()

def main():
    # Parse command-line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Automate video editing tasks using FFMPEG with Python.")
    parser.add_argument('--music', required=True, help='The music file')
    parser.add_argument('--voice', required=True, help='The voice file')
    parser.add_argument('--video', required=True, help='The video file')
    parser.add_argument('--out', required=True, help='The output video file name')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Combine the audio files
    combined_audio_file = 'combined_audio.mp3'
    combine_audio(, args.voice, combined_audio_file)

    # Replace audio in the video file
    video_with_new_audio = 'video_with_new_audio.mp4'
    replace_audio_in_video(, combined_audio_file, video_with_new_audio)

    # Get the duration of the combined audio
    audio_stream = ffmpeg.probe(combined_audio_file)['streams'][0]
    audio_duration = float(audio_stream['duration'])

    # Stretch the video to match the audio duration
    stretch_video(video_with_new_audio, args.out, audio_duration)
    print(f"Video editing is complete. The final video is saved as {args.out}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

To use this script, save it as ``, and run it from the command line with the required arguments. For example:
python --music filename.mp3 --voice voicefile.mp3 --video vidfile.mp4 --out output.mp4

Please make sure you have `ffmpeg` and `ffmpeg-python` installed in your environment. You can install `ffmpeg-python` via pip:
pip install ffmpeg-python

This script will combine your audio files with the specified timing and volume adjustments, replace the audio in your video file, and stretch the video to match the duration of the new audio track.

Response from Google Bard

I've been working on a video project that involved a series of editing steps which I believe can be automated with FFMPEG through a Python script. Here's an outline of the process I undertook:

1. I worked with three separate files: a video file (`video.mp4`), a background music file (`music.mp3`), and a voice-over file (`voice.mp3`).
2. I used an audio editing tool to merge `music.mp3` and `voice.mp3`. In the merged track, the voice-over starts 1 second after the music begins, and the music's volume is slightly reduced to ensure the voice-over is clearly heard.
3. I then stripped the original audio from `video.mp4` and replaced it with this newly combined audio track.
4. Lastly, I adjusted the playback speed of the video to match the duration of the combined audio track, ensuring they both end simultaneously.

Could you create a Python script for me that encapsulates this workflow? The script should be executable with the following command-line interface:

python --music filename.mp3 --voice voicefile.mp3 --video vidfile.mp4 --out output.mp4

This script should automate the audio merging with a 1-second delay for the voice-over, volume adjustment for the music, audio replacement in the video, and video time-stretching to match the audio duration. 

Compare the Response from GPT-4 and Bard

TLDR: GPT-4 gives the user a ready-to-use solution, while Bard only gives a blueprint for the code. The differences in quality cannot be overstated.

GPT-4's Response, a Technical Review:

  • Script Provided: Analyzing GPT-4's script, it is evident that the model has an intricate understanding of the task's technical requirements. The script demonstrates sophisticated use of the ffmpeg-python library, efficient error handling with try-except blocks, and a systematic approach to script structuring.
  • Readiness for Use: The code is immediately operational, demonstrating GPT-4's capability to produce deployable solutions without the need for further development.
  • Pythonic Conventions: GPT-4 adhered to Pythonic conventions, including well-defined functions, error handling, and a modular approach, which contributes to readability and maintainability of the code.
  • Execution Logic: The script included a command-line interface, allowing for flexible user input, and demonstrated a clear execution flow that is indicative of GPT-4's proficiency in software development patterns.

Bard's Response, On the Other Hand...

  • High-Level Overview: Bard's conceptual response provides a clear task breakdown but lacks technical depth. It is a springboard for development rather than a finished product, suggesting that Bard may excel in project planning phases where conceptual clarity is paramount.
  • Lacks Code Implementation: Unlike GPT-4, Bard stopped short of delivering executable code. The response served more as a project brief than a direct solution.
  • Further Development Required: To translate Bard's outline into a functioning script, additional coding work is needed, indicating that Bard's strength lies in outlining the "what" rather than the "how" of a solution.

ChatGPT vs Google Bard with Gemini, A Quick Overview

What is ChatGPT, Pros and Cons of ChatGPT

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, has rapidly become a household name since its inception. The journey of ChatGPT began as an experiment in natural language processing, evolving into one of the most sophisticated AI chatbots in the market. Here's a glimpse into its evolution:

  • Origin and Development: ChatGPT's development can be traced back to the GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) models, with ChatGPT-4 being the latest iteration.

Key Features:

  • Natural Language Understanding: ChatGPT excels in understanding and generating human-like text, making it a versatile tool for a variety of applications.
  • Learning and Adaptability: The model is designed to learn from interactions, continually improving its responses.
  • Creative Capabilities: From writing essays to composing poetry, ChatGPT's creative abilities are noteworthy.


  • Versatility: ChatGPT's ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text makes it highly versatile.
  • Ease of Integration: Its compatibility with various platforms makes it a preferred choice for businesses and developers.
  • Continuous Learning: The model's design to learn from its interactions allows for ongoing improvement.

What is Google Bard, Pros and Cons of Google Bard

Google's Bard, introduced as a response to ChatGPT, has carved its niche in the AI domain. Let's explore its journey and features:

  • Development and the Gemini Update: Bard is built on Google's LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) and recently received a significant boost with the Gemini update, enhancing its capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Information Processing: Unlike many AI models, Bard can process and provide information in real-time, a leap in AI responsiveness.
  • Multimodal Abilities: Post-Gemini, Bard has expanded its capabilities to understand and interact with a mix of text, images, and audio inputs.
  • Integration with Google's Ecosystem: Bard leverages Google's vast data resources, making it adept at providing relevant and up-to-date information.


  • Real-Time Data Processing: Bard's ability to pull in real-time information gives it a significant edge in providing current and relevant responses.
  • Integration with Google Services: Access to Google's vast information repository enhances Bard's accuracy and reliability.
  • Multimodal Functionality: Post-Gemini, Bard's ability to understand and interact with various formats broadens its application scope.


In the showdown between ChatGPT and Bard, we have uncovered a landscape where the notion of superiority is nuanced. The advent of the Gemini update has propelled Bard into a competitive position, challenging the dominance of GPT-4 in certain areas. Our exploration through benchmarks and real-life code generation has demonstrated that each tool possesses distinct advantages that cater to different domains of application.

In the end, the decision to choose one over the other should be guided by a judicious assessment of the task requirements, ensuring that the selected AI tool is best suited to fulfill the specific goals of the user. As AI continues to evolve, so too will the capabilities and applications of these remarkable tools, leading us into a future where the potential for technology to augment human endeavor is boundless.

You can now access Google Gemini Pro API at Anakin AI👇👇👇.
Gemini Pro | AI Powered |
Gemini Pro is now free to all users.Gemini Pro, a groundbreaking AI model created by Google, seamlessly operates across various modalities including text, images, video, audio, and code.