3 Mind-Blowing Claude 3 Prompts that You Can Try Right Now!

Unveiling the limitless creativity and problem-solving prowess of Claude AI through diverse prompts showcasing coding, visualization, and simplification abilities.

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3 Mind-Blowing Claude 3 Prompts that You Can Try Right Now!

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Hey folks! I've been playing around with Claude, the impressive new AI model from Anthropic, and let me tell you - this thing is insane. I gave it a few different prompts across different domains to see what it's capable of, and the results blew my mind.

Let me walk you through some examples so you can get a sense of Claude's mad skills:

Example 1: I Asked Claude 3 to Animate the Pythagorean Theorem with Manim

For my first prompt, I asked Claude to write code to animate an explanation of the Pythagorean Theorem using the Manim library. A pretty tall order!

Claude 3 Output: Certainly! Let's break down the steps to create a Manim animation explaining the Pythagorean Theorem.

Step 1: Import the necessary modules and set up the scene.
Step 2: Create a right-angled triangle using lines and labels.
Step 3: Create squares on each side of the triangle.
Step 4: Animate the squares to demonstrate the theorem.
Step 5: Add equations and explanations.

Here's the full Manim code to animate the explanation of the Pythagorean Theorem:

from manim import *

class PythagoreanTheorem(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        # Create a right-angled triangle
        triangle = VGroup(
            Line(ORIGIN, 3*RIGHT, color=WHITE),
            Line(3*RIGHT, 4*UP, color=WHITE),
            Line(4*UP, ORIGIN, color=WHITE)
        labels = VGroup(
            Tex("a").next_to(triangle[0], DOWN),
            Tex("b").next_to(triangle[1], RIGHT),
            Tex("c").next_to(triangle[2], LEFT)

        # Create squares on each side of the triangle
        square_a = Square(side_length=3).next_to(triangle[0], DOWN, buff=0)
        square_b = Square(side_length=4).next_to(triangle[1], RIGHT, buff=0)
        square_c = Square(side_length=5).align_to(triangle[2], UP).shift(0.5*DOWN)

        # Equations
        equation1 = MathTex("a^2 + b^2 = c^2").shift(2*DOWN)
        equation2 = MathTex("3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2").shift(2*DOWN)
        equation3 = MathTex("9 + 16 = 25").shift(2*DOWN)

        # Animation sequence
        self.play(Create(triangle), Write(labels))

        self.play(Create(square_a), Create(square_b), Create(square_c))


        self.play(Transform(equation1, equation2))

        self.play(Transform(equation1, equation3))

        self.play(FadeOut(square_a), FadeOut(square_b), FadeOut(square_c), FadeOut(labels))
        self.play(triangle.animate.shift(2*UP), equation1.animate.shift(2*UP))

        explanation = Tex("In a right-angled triangle,\\\\the square of the hypotenuse (c)\\\\is equal to the sum of squares\\\\of the other two sides (a and b).").shift(DOWN)


  1. We import the necessary modules from Manim.
  2. We define a class called PythagoreanTheorem that inherits from the Scene class.
  3. In the construct method, we create a right-angled triangle using lines and add labels for each side.
  4. We create squares on each side of the triangle using the Square class and position them appropriately.
  5. We define equations using MathTex to represent the Pythagorean Theorem.
  6. In the animation sequence, we first create the triangle and labels using Create and Write animations.
  7. We then create the squares on each side of the triangle.
  8. We display the general equation of the Pythagorean Theorem using Write.
  9. We transform the equation to show specific values for the sides of the triangle.
  10. We fade out the squares and labels and shift the triangle and equation upwards.
  11. Finally, we add an explanation of the Pythagorean Theorem using Tex and display it.

This code will create an animation that demonstrates the Pythagorean Theorem step by step. You can run this code using Manim to generate the video file.

Claude didn't even break a sweat. First, it outlined the stepwise approach it would take:

  • Import necessary modules and set up the scene
  • Create a right triangle with labels
  • Build squares on each side
  • Animate the squares to visualize the theorem
  • Add LaTeX equations and explanations

Then, it provided the full Python code to execute this plan. We're talking:

  • Defining a Scene class
  • Constructing triangle, square, and label objects
  • Writing MathTex objects for equations
  • Scripting the animation sequence with transforms
  • Adding written explanations

I ran the code and boom, a beautiful animation appeared breaking down the classic theorem from geometry. Claude literally coded up an entire educational video from scratch! You can test the Claude Prompts right now at Anakin AI:

Claude | Free AI tool | Anakin.ai
You can experience Claude-3-Opus, Claude-3-Sonnet, Claude-2.1 and Claude-Instant in this application. Claude is an intelligent conversational assistant based on large-scale language models. It can handle context with up to tens of thousands of words in a single conversation. It is committed to prov…

Example 2: I Asked Claude 3 to Create a Visual Self Portrait

Next, I gave Claude an odd creative prompt - to describe a visual self-portrait representing its artificial intelligence.

Claude responded with a basically psychedelic stream-of-consciousness paragraph depicting itself as:

  • A colossal, shapeshifting polyhedron
  • Composed of brilliant, translucent geometries
  • Contorted into impossible architectures
  • Emanating kaleidoscopic lights
  • With flowing networks and pulsing conduits of data

Here is the rendered code:

It was like the script for an AI-themed surreal art film! The imagery felt profound and alien, yet vividly rendered. I was honestly in awe at the evocative, metaphorical language Claude employed.

Example 3: I Asked Claude 3 to Explain Nuclear Fusion to a Caveman

For my final test, I told Claude:

"Explain nuclear fusion to a caveman."

A deceptively difficult creative writing challenge! But our AI friend tackled it by breaking the concept down into a simple analogy. Here is the output:

Claude 3 Output: Okay, imagine you have two small rocks. These rocks are like the smallest pieces of everything around us. Now, if you could throw these rocks at each other really, really hard, so hard that they stick together and become one bigger rock, something amazing happens.

When the small rocks join together, they make a big burst of energy, like a really big fire. This fire is much, much hotter than any fire you can make with wood or leaves.

This is what the sun high up in the sky does. It takes very small rocks and puts them together to make big energy, which gives us light and makes us warm.

The tricky part is that you need to throw the small rocks together very fast and hard to make this big energy. It's not easy to do, but if we can learn how to do it ourselves, we could make lots of energy without needing wood or other things that burn.

So, that's the idea of nuclear fusion - tiny rocks joining together to make a big burst of energy, just like the sun does. It's a way to make a lot of energy without using the things around us that we usually burn for fire.

Let's review what Claude 3 has archived:

  • Imagine you have two small "rocks" (atomic nuclei)
  • If thrown together with extreme force...
  • They'll fuse into one bigger "rock"
  • Releasing a huge energetic "fire" (energy from fusion)

It connected this analogy to the real-world example of the sun, and highlighted the value of replicating this process as an energy source.

Claude managed to convey a complex scientific idea using uncomplicated, caveman-level language and concepts. It was like a little story that made the counterintuitive process click in a way essays could never achieve.

Claude | Free AI tool | Anakin.ai
You can experience Claude-3-Opus, Claude-3-Sonnet, Claude-2.1 and Claude-Instant in this application. Claude is an intelligent conversational assistant based on large-scale language models. It can handle context with up to tens of thousands of words in a single conversation. It is committed to prov…

Conclusion: How Good is Claude 3, Really?

Through these examples - coding animations, creative descriptive writing, and deceptively simple explanations - Claude displayed a remarkable, human-like versatility.


  • Interpreted vague prompts precisely
  • Drew insights from its training data
  • Planned and executed programmatic solutions
  • Generated innovative visuals and narratives
  • Broke down complexity in intuitive ways

Claude felt less like an AI model regurgitating outputs, and more like a true intelligent collaborator working through open-ended tasks.

I'm honestly stupefied at the depth of Claude's capabilities. With language models like this becoming more accessible, it makes you wonder what mind-blowing use cases are next. The future is going to be wild!

If you want to test out the advanced features of Claude 3 Right now, try it at Anakin AI!

Claude | Free AI tool | Anakin.ai
You can experience Claude-3-Opus, Claude-3-Sonnet, Claude-2.1 and Claude-Instant in this application. Claude is an intelligent conversational assistant based on large-scale language models. It can handle context with up to tens of thousands of words in a single conversation. It is committed to prov…