GPT-4o mini vs GPT-4o vs GPT-4: Which One to Choose From?

Discover the cutting-edge capabilities of GPT-4o mini, GPT-4o, and GPT-4 in this in-depth comparison of OpenAI's latest language models.

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GPT-4o mini vs GPT-4o vs GPT-4: Which One to Choose From?

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, OpenAI has introduced several iterations of its GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models. This article will delve into a detailed comparison of three prominent versions: GPT-4o mini, GPT-4o, and GPT-4. We'll explore their capabilities, performance metrics, and use cases to provide a clear understanding of how these models stack up against each other.

GPT-4o mini vs GPT-4o vs GPT-4: Benchmark Comparisons

Benchmarks provide valuable insights into the capabilities of AI models across different tasks.

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Let's examine how GPT-4o mini, GPT-4o, and GPT-4 perform in various standardized tests:

General Knowledge and Reasoning

Benchmark GPT-4o mini GPT-4o GPT-4
MMLU 82.0% 88.7% 86.4%
ARC (Challenge) 87.5% 95.9% 95.9%
HellaSwag 89.1% 95.3% 95.3%
TruthfulQA 70.3% 71.5% 71.0%
  • MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding): GPT-4o leads, showcasing its superior general knowledge and reasoning abilities.
  • ARC (AI2 Reasoning Challenge): GPT-4o and GPT-4 tie for the top spot, with GPT-4o mini not far behind.
  • HellaSwag: Again, GPT-4o and GPT-4 show identical performance, with GPT-4o mini trailing slightly.
  • TruthfulQA: All three models perform similarly, with GPT-4o having a slight edge in truthfulness.

Mathematical and Logical Reasoning

Benchmark GPT-4o mini GPT-4o GPT-4
GSM8K 83.9% 92.0% 92.0%
MATH 45.8% 52.9% 52.9%
  • GSM8K (Grade School Math 8K): GPT-4o and GPT-4 demonstrate identical, strong performance in grade-school level math problems.
  • MATH: This more advanced mathematical reasoning test shows GPT-4o and GPT-4 tied, with GPT-4o mini lagging behind but still showing impressive capabilities.

Language Understanding and Generation

Benchmark GPT-4o mini GPT-4o GPT-4
LAMBADA 89.1% 92.0% 92.0%
WinoGrande 87.5% 87.5% 87.5%
  • LAMBADA: GPT-4o and GPT-4 show identical performance in this test of understanding broad context.
  • WinoGrande: Interestingly, all three models perform identically on this common-sense reasoning task.

Coding and Problem-Solving

Benchmark GPT-4o mini GPT-4o GPT-4
HumanEval 75.6% 87.8% 87.8%
  • HumanEval: This benchmark for code generation and problem-solving shows GPT-4o and GPT-4 tied at the top, with GPT-4o mini showing strong performance but falling short of its larger counterparts.

Analysis of Benchmark Results

GPT-4o mini:

  • Strengths: Performs remarkably well across all benchmarks, often coming close to its larger counterparts.
  • Notable: Achieves 82% on MMLU, which is impressive for its more compact size.
  • Areas for Improvement: Slightly lags in advanced mathematical reasoning (MATH) and coding tasks (HumanEval).


  • Strengths: Consistently top performer across all benchmarks.
  • Notable: Achieves the highest score in MMLU (88.7%), showcasing superior general knowledge and reasoning.
  • Parity with GPT-4: Matches or slightly exceeds GPT-4's performance in most tests.


  • Strengths: Strong performance across all benchmarks, often matching GPT-4o.
  • Notable: Despite being the original model, it keeps pace with the optimized version in most tests.
  • Slight Variations: Marginally lower scores in MMLU and TruthfulQA compared to GPT-4o.

Key Takeaways from Benchmarks

Optimization Benefits: GPT-4o shows that optimization can lead to performance improvements, as evidenced by its slight edge over GPT-4 in some tests.

Impressive Mini Performance: GPT-4o mini demonstrates that significant compression of the model is possible while retaining strong performance across various tasks.

Task-Specific Variations: While the larger models generally perform better, the gap varies depending on the specific task, with some tests showing identical performance across all three models.

Reasoning Capabilities: All three models show strong performance in tasks requiring complex reasoning, with the larger models having a more pronounced advantage in advanced mathematical and coding tasks.

Opinion from Bindu Reddy, the CEO of Abacus AI.

Speed and Latency

Speed and responsiveness are critical for real-time applications. Here's how the models compare:

Model Output Speed (tokens/second) Latency (seconds to first token)
GPT-4o mini 182.6 0.53
GPT-4o 88.1 0.46
GPT-4 25.2 0.67
  • GPT-4o mini excels in output speed, generating tokens at the fastest rate among the three.
  • GPT-4o offers a balance of speed and low latency, with the quickest time to first token.
  • GPT-4 has the lowest output speed but maintains competitive latency.

Context Window

The context window determines the amount of information the model can process in a single interaction:

  • GPT-4o mini: 128k tokens
  • GPT-4o: 128k tokens
  • GPT-4: 8k tokens

Both GPT-4o mini and GPT-4o offer significantly larger context windows compared to GPT-4, allowing for more comprehensive and context-aware responses in complex tasks.

GPT-4o mini vs GPT-4o vs GPT-4: Pricing Comparison

Cost considerations are essential for practical applications. Here's a breakdown of the pricing structure:

Model Price per 1M Tokens (Blended 3:1) Input Token Price Output Token Price
GPT-4o mini $0.26 $0.15 $0.60
GPT-4o $7.50 $5.00 $15.00
GPT-4 $37.50 $30.00 $60.00

GPT-4o mini offers the most cost-effective solution, making it attractive for applications with budget constraints or high-volume usage. GPT-4o provides a middle ground, while GPT-4 remains the most expensive option.

So, What Are the Best Use Cases for GPT-4o mini, vs GPT-4o and GPT-4?

Each model has its strengths, making them suitable for different scenarios:

GPT-4o mini

  • Ideal for: High-volume tasks, real-time applications, and scenarios where cost-efficiency is crucial.
  • Applications: Chatbots, content generation, summarization tasks, and lightweight AI assistants.


  • Best suited for: Complex reasoning tasks, advanced language understanding, and applications requiring a balance of quality and efficiency.
  • Applications: Advanced natural language processing, sophisticated AI writing assistants, and complex problem-solving scenarios.


  • Excels in: Highly specialized tasks requiring deep expertise and nuanced understanding.
  • Applications: Academic research, specialized content creation, and complex analytical tasks.

Choosing the Right Model

When deciding between GPT-4o mini, GPT-4o, and GPT-4, consider the following factors:

  1. Task Complexity: Assess the depth of understanding required for your specific application.
  2. Performance Requirements: Determine the importance of speed and latency for your use case.
  3. Budget Constraints: Consider the cost implications, especially for high-volume applications.
  4. Context Needs: Evaluate whether your tasks benefit from a larger context window.
  5. Quality Benchmarks: Analyze the quality metrics relevant to your specific use case.


The introduction of GPT-4o mini and GPT-4o alongside the original GPT-4 represents a significant step in the evolution of AI language models. Each version offers unique advantages:

  • GPT-4o mini stands out for its impressive speed, cost-effectiveness, and surprisingly high-quality output, making it an excellent choice for many applications.
  • GPT-4o offers the highest quality metrics and a large context window, positioning it as a powerful tool for complex tasks that require both depth and efficiency.
  • GPT-4 remains a strong contender for specialized applications where its deep knowledge base and proven capabilities are invaluable.

As the field of AI continues to progress, the availability of these varied models allows for more nuanced and tailored solutions to a wide range of challenges. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each model, developers and businesses can make informed decisions to leverage these powerful tools effectively in their projects and applications.

The future of AI language models looks promising, with continued improvements in efficiency, specialization, and accessibility. As these models evolve, they will undoubtedly open up new possibilities for innovation across various industries, further cementing the role of AI in shaping our technological landscape.

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